Nursery Train up a child...
Here at Saint Francis, we believe that the presence of children in worship is a gift from our Lord and a reminder that our parish is growing! Reasonable noise that children make in Church is pleasing to God’s ears and should be welcomed with gladness. Children wiggle and need to move about. This is normal! Don’t feel you must suppress it in God’s house. All are welcome at Mass!
The ushers have Children’s bulletins for anyone who wants one. These follow the scripture readings for that week and are a great way to help your children engage in worship. There is also a designated kid zone in the back of the church with some toys and activities for kids who need a little space to wiggle before the end of the service.
If you need to step out with your child, you may use the Infant Care Room or the Narthex. You can continue to participate in the liturgy in those spaces. Once your child has calmed, please come back to the pew!
Our children have many activities

We have something going on every season to help your child grow in the love of Christ.